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Wednesday, 2025-01-29, 9:48 PM | |
Hi! Today i went to London! My parents wouldn't tell me what it was for, i was really exited! The main part of us visiting London was for us to go and visit the national history museum (NHM). But i was more interested about visiting Harrods (Theres only one in the world!) Theres a link to the picture below this blog post. Although i am interested in history and things along those lines, but i like shopping more, so i asked to go to Harrods, and Dad said we could go! We bought some plastic snow for £16.50 which is alot of money, well thats what Harrods is known for! Bye, i will write more on my blog wall soon! :P
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On the 7th October 2012, Katie Walker, my best friend came round for the day, not for a sleepover though. But it was pretty fun, considering it was just six hours. You're probably thinking 'JUST SIX HOURS' well, for 11 year old girls, six is nothing compared to a sleepover! We had a really fab time! and every hour we updated our face book statuses to let our friends know what fun we'd been up to! But, sadly after that, Katie ran off to the swimming pool at PM with her brownies team!
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